The new Verizon Black Berry® Storm™ keeps you connected to both sides of life. The breakthrough SurePress™ touch screen with a tactile click response allows you to accurately navigate within every advanced feature that's packed in the Storm including a music player, 3.2 megapixel camera and a true Internet web browser. Plus, enhance your productivity with email, MS Office document support and advanced global capabilities, and keep connected with social tools like Instant Messaging and pre–loaded Facebook and Flickr applications. The weight of the is exactly 5.5 oz/155g (Weight) and the phone is o bigger then a deck of cards and the same size of a ipod video. The features on the phone is Wireless email,Organizer,Browser,Phone ,Camera (3.2 MP) ,Video Recording ,BlackBerry® Maps ,Media Player ,Built-in GPS ,Corporate data access ,SMS and MMS.
The reason I like this phone is that you can have more control with choosing your Apps on the phone with that SurePress Feature.This phone seems to me like the benchmark of the future and the reason I say this is the phone is more user friendly and with the all in one programs on the phone helps the user cut down on other devices. Usage up to 270 minutes of talk time or standby up to 372 hours that goes to show that the phone have a good battery life and the battery is made from the top notch Lithium Cells for better powering and that a big deal to me because I need a phone to to be able to last. Then as a overall I think that my phone the coolest phone because of the actual touch feel keyboard and the special features or the handicap so its a mini touch screen computer that can be use buy anyone and the only thing I dont like about the phone is the service.
Before The Accident Sunday Morning I went to church like any other Sunday but what was different this Sunday was that I didn't get to sing but it was OK because I join a new church that I can do ministry and I love working with the youth so when I got chance I had to take it. So I worship and got all prayed up for the upcoming week of my apprenticeship and was very excited to see what the week bring!
The Day Of The Accident 7:30 I woke up that president holiday so sleepy and all I really wanted to do was to crawl back in bed. But I can't I got to make my paper. So I got ready got some music on my iPod so I can slap in my car on my way to the Concord Wells Fargo site. The outside was ugly it was storming and the rain was coming down hard. So when I got in the car I was already soaked and in a bad mood because I got my dressed clothes drenched. So I hooked up my iPod to my radio and was enjoying my new music and because it was a holiday the freeway was almost empty for the exception of the true hard worker that work on that holiday.So I called my mom on my way to concord and ask her to pick up my dry cleaning.
Then my car started to act funny and i just thought it was because it was wet and then at 8:15 while I was listen to Biggie Small my back tire hit a hydroplane and blew out and then my car did a sharp right turn on it's own through four lanes and then I saw that I was about to hit the merger sign and the world seem to slow down and I thought to myself this that I'm a dead man and this suck because I didn't even get to do every things I wanted to do in life. So right when I thought that I hit the sign and my whole car rolled over three times and when it stop rolling I open my eyes to see a nightmare. My car was gone it was so damage it was ridiculous.So in a brief second I took off my seat beat and jumped out my broken out passenger side window because I thought my car was going to explode. So when I got out the car I found out how my car window broke my work briefcase flew out of the car with my wells Fargo laptop and my bible with some 3d glasses. So I gather those things and tried to flag down three cars but they all passed me. So a car finally stop and praise God it was a off duty paramedic and he call his coworker and they was their in 2 Min's and then he was asking me all these questions and all I wanted to do was to get out the rain. But when he said who's the president it caught my attention and I said loudly Obama and that whole day people said I was talking loud and I guess I didn't know my volume of my voice. So after the ambulance came the highway patrol and the tow truck came like in 10 minutes.
So The Highway patrol officer got in the back of the ambulance and started to question me about the accident and by then I was so sick of people asking me questions.So I told him what happen and he finished the report and I guess I didn't have to pay for the sign because he didn't mention it so I was happy about that. Then this tow truck driver come and opens the ambulance door and I thought he wanted to tell me something but he was just staring at me and I said So...... and then the stupid driver said I thought you wanted to talk to me and I said no but I would like to know where your taking my car do you have a card and then he went to the tow truck and got a card.
So I was on my way to the hospital and the ambulance started to shake like my car did before my accident so I kind of freak out and I was thinking I can't rollover in this ambulance because then I really be a goner. So they had to give me something to slow down my heart because it was beating super fast and my adrenaline was was off the charts and they said my pupil was as big as dimes. So I got to the hospital and I thought that it was over rated because I thought that I only had cuts on my hands. So they got me out and then gave me all my stuff and had me wait in a waiting room. I couldn't believe Sutter hospital of Antioch So a person in a serious accident is less important the a kid with a cough. So I was pretty mad and my family was also. So I waited for almost a hour and by then my adrenaline went down and all these pains came out of nowhere. So they got my in a room and it took the doctor forever to see me and I was super hungry and pissed off that my car was gone. So when my doctor came in I was very snappy and they ran a variety test and scan and the worst thing was the cat scan because they inject you with iodine and he said it give you the same symptoms of a heat flash because it makes your blood rush to all your organs for a good picture to see if anythings wrong. So when they injected me I got that heat feeling and then I felt like I couldn't breath and like I was going to thrown up so that was horrible. So after all that they gave me a lot of pain reliever and put me in a sling for my shoulder and send me home. So I think that I will always remember this event and that I learned alot from it.
The Message Of the Story
The message of the story is just like the slogan of Ford I'm build tough for all the obstacle that comes up and with God on my side nothing impossible. Their a good qouta saying
Nobody can make you think its impossible its your own train of thought that can stop you from your success by Jaylon Calhoun Simpson
. So for the future I'm going to remember this accident and know that God must still have use for me so that I can do great things.
This Video is from a program called Every 15 Minutes and I put this on here because it relates to teens having accidents and how all teens don't walk away from the accidents
Day 1 I woke up on Monday feeling bad and all that night I was getting up because my stomach was hurting and it was 4 a.m so i couldn't go back to sleep so I called my manager and email him asking him if I should come in or stay home. So he called me back and told me that I should stay home because previously he had the same stomach bug so I think he gave it to me darn you Charles. So after I talk to Charles I called Year Up and took a personal day. So after all that I it was 8 a.m so I took some heavy duty pain killer and went to sleep.
Day 2 When I got in the office on Tuesday it felt weird because it felt like a Monday so I was getting all this information late and I thought it was new email and info that I was getting until I looked at the time stamp and said yesterday.Yea I did have a slow moment. So beside that slow moment I did a proposal to my boss Rammy and my manager Charles asking to make my schedule to be Monday and Friday at the concord site and in the middle of the week I be in the city. The reason I ask this is because i wanted to be exposed to the different type of clients and different environments and to shadow with all the Desktop EFO team. So I after that I called my advisor to see what I was missing. So we made a meeting at Year Up so I can Catch up on the work. So after that I did some of my Microsoft XP training and installing and I'm starting to get it. Then on break I went to jamba juice and had time on my hands so I went to go see hira and sophea work site and met their manager and we went to china town to a restaurant called R&G and its was cool because sophea was speaking Chinese to the waiter so that was great and then I had my daily team meeting with my boss Rammy and fellow team members. Then after that I went to the meeting I set up with my advisor at Year up and I was almost mad to find out that there was things missing that I know I turned in. But its ok I find it.
Day 3 On Wednesday its always kind of exciting to go back to year up so you can hear about everybody experiences. So when i got in the offices I got straight to doing some research on the black berry support and read some blogs on the black berry support. Then I went over my slide show for Deb class and made sure that it was all right to show to Deb. So at lunch I went to Year Up and we ate lunch and I got a update that some east bay people that I referred is in admission phrase and even my manager nephews is in the admission phrase. So that was great and then it was Phil advisoree group turn to be in charge of the interactive and the warm up question. So that was interesting and then I spoke to the interested students for Year Up and it was ok. It was a bigger crowd from last week and I'm happy that it was big because Year up needs 40 students and only pick 7 students. So I was excited because we got paided and we didn't get 500 dollars so i was kind of mad and if this happen next paid period I'm going to be highly upset.Then i saw that my friend from high school was at the open house and I was happy to think that the east bay will have more of a present at year up.
Day 4 When I got to my office I check my email and saw that I had a imaging ID and that for the day I be a primary coordinator. So Charles was out until the afternoon so I call Paul and he met me at 420 Montgomery and walked me to 201 3rd street where Tizoc located and mosted of the network guys but anyways I got to 201 3rd street and met Bob agpoon and he one of the primary coordinator and he the gut that give out assignments to the three team such as desktop,network and server and Mike Johnson the manager of the server team wasnt lucky enough to get a year up intern said my boss Rammy. So at first he was going to let me loose and assign assignments to team members but my wanda account wasn't up and running so I was so mad because it looked fun to give people work and the power felt so good but one thing stop me and it was my ID wasn't made yet. Dang! So me and him did one SR(Service Request) and it was confusing and we had to send that SR to the server team and then we did a SR that took us the rest of the day to finish it and the reason why it took the rest of the day to finish it is because a site had a third party vendor build a server and hook it up to our Wells Fargo network and that a security breach so we had to elevate it to the managers and somebody was in deep mess and then I had my one on one with my manager Rammy and talk about how we can outreach for Year Up at Antioch High because we both are alumni. So I had to mention this part all day our team kept commenting on bob on how old he was the said that he was at wells when the stage coaches were still around and that he was hired with the founding fathers of Wells Fargo and then what top it off my co worker Caleb said the bob was a Relic of Wells Fargo LOL that was too funny so I had fun at 201 3rd street.
Day 5 I was happy to wake up and know that I was going to the concord site and its just 15 minutes from my house not a hour and when I got to the site I found a parking spot and got in the building and had breakfast and then I got to work right away and did some reconnect and some year up work and then went to lunch with Rammy and another EFO co worker name Eric and we ate at a Chinese buffet and found out that Rammy does Jeep off roading and today I rode for the first time in a real Jeep.Then met some department and their employee's and even saw a familiar face from San Francisco office.Then I couldn't wait until the weekend so I can sleep.
Day 1 The honeymoon phrase is still in the air because I'm still super happy about me being at Wells Fargo and I said that because during this week its been a lot of work but at the same time very enjoyable.On Monday I Still had some training to do. So just my luck in the morning I had a change Request brown bag meeting and CR (that stand for Change Request) training I had redo so I learned a lot of information on that subject and the results of that was that I past my training with a 93%.Then my manager Charles got a trouble ticket and the issue was that one of the superior was upgrading his laptop and his location was on 150 Montgomery. So my manager and I went to the building and unpacked the hardware and setup his new laptop and his docking tower and I got to know what was his job title and description while I was working so it was very interesting. Another thing is I was thinking on how lucky i was for getting a apprentice site that let me work at a lot of other sites.
Day 2 On Tuesday I was still in whole much of training and the training was Pre,Simple, and Post migration on the WFDC(Wells Fargo Desktop Connection)and on that day I finally finished my training so now that I'm finished I can get my first admin ID and its going to be a IG ID for WFDC and that will be for imaging computers. that took up most of my day.
Day 3 Wednesday was a excited day because a developer came and show my manager and I a new Prototype on migration and the feature on it was amazing and it was cool to see and be able to use a software that nobody else have. Then I did my Swarm training and its another Wells Fargo software and really help us help the end users. So after I did that training I went to Year Up and I was happy to be able to see my classmate and staff of year up but my mind was still struck on my work for Wells Fargo and the things that I need to get done for them.So we did the same routine Like interactive and warm up question and a lot of announcement's . So we had Tech class and it was different having Carmen but still fun and we went over tech support and how the customer service is important for the tech support. Then I spoke to some interested people for year up and told them about my experiences at year up and when i was reflecting on myself I cant believe how far I have come.
Day 4 It was so hard to wake up today because it was rainy and gloomy and it was a perfect day to sleep in but i had work so too bad.well I got my bagel and my coffee and was set for the I did my window xp installing part 1 training and it was hard I'm not going to lie.So then I had my meeting with Deb at bistro burger and i love the burgers there but it a little to rich for my blood its super expense like a milkshake is almost six dollars. But anyways I got back to my office and had a meeting with my boss rammy and we talk about my experience here and if i had any problems and my phone is now official on so i have a work phone now YAY!.So that was the highlights of my day.and PS I got to download the full version of window 7 beta.
Day 5 Today was a horrible way to end the week so this morning I lock my keys in my car and I had my car on with the wind shield swipe still going. So when I finally got my into my car and now my driver side door broken and thank God that I still was able to get to work.So I got to the concord site and I got my badge and my parking permit first thing when i got in the office.Then I started on my Microsoft admin training and then did some disconnect and reconnect from one floor to another.So at least once I got to work I felt happy about my job and how my boss is helping me travel wise I'm really grateful for my blessing.So I cant wait for next week to see what the week brings.
This past week at Wells Fargo was amazing it was a whole different experience. The first day I meet my president of my President Ann Krieger of my department and the department name is Enterprise Fields Operation TIG so to cut it down I'm a EFO and my title is PC/LAN analyst. So that day we had a video conference with the other branch leader and Tizoc and I managers and we learn all about both desktop EFO and that where I at and Network EFO and that where Tizoc working.Then after the meeting we all went to a restaurant named R and G in china town by my office and we all had a social outing and got to know each other.
Then day two my main manager was sick so i went to my other mangaer office on 420 Montgomery and got my badge all working for the building that i be working at and then after I did some field training with my other manager Paul and because his swift is over at 3:00 and i don't get off until 5:30 at lunch I left to go to the concord office where my main boss Rammy is located and I was so happy to find out that there a office by my house. So i when to the office got my badge for there and parking permit and was on my way to meet all my concord team . so during the stay at concord my boss show me the server room and it was freezing in there and the reason why it was so cold is because the wires and console get very hot,so that was day 2.
So Day 3 and 4 was like the same I was doing alot of my TECH training like my WFDC and that stand for Wells Fargo Desktop Connections and it's the main platform for the bank and then I learned how to system remote another computer and how to ghost a computer and use that image on a another computer.Then I had a phone meeting and setup all the things in my office and that wrap up those days.
Then on Friday the last day I did my first job as a EFO and it was a disconnect and reconnect from floor 26 to floor 16 and the reason we there moving floor is because wells Fargo is expanding. So back to the job I did the disconnect and the movers move the parts and then after that i went to the 16 floor and reconnect the computer and made sure that they were up and running on both the computer and on the wells Fargo network. Then i went to 333 market for a tour with my manager Paul to meet our team there and it was super nice in there. Then we went to 525 market and met a follow EFO name Mel and we went to lunch. Then I went back to 550 California went my office is located and Fax's my time sheet over at 12:30 and did some training and the went out with my manager Charles to shadow him while he service a blackberry and speaking of blackberry its in the air that i 'm getting one but my boss is seeing about the Charles and I with to 120 Kearney to set up the black berry and that was a learning experience and the at 5:30 I was off and that was my first weeks stay tuned for week 2.
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