Thursday, February 12, 2009 |
Week 3 Of Wells Fargo |

Day 1 I woke up on Monday feeling bad and all that night I was getting up because my stomach was hurting and it was 4 a.m so i couldn't go back to sleep so I called my manager and email him asking him if I should come in or stay home. So he called me back and told me that I should stay home because previously he had the same stomach bug so I think he gave it to me darn you Charles. So after I talk to Charles I called Year Up and took a personal day. So after all that I it was 8 a.m so I took some heavy duty pain killer and went to sleep.
Day 2 When I got in the office on Tuesday it felt weird because it felt like a Monday so I was getting all this information late and I thought it was new email and info that I was getting until I looked at the time stamp and said yesterday.Yea I did have a slow moment. So beside that slow moment I did a proposal to my boss Rammy and my manager Charles asking to make my schedule to be Monday and Friday at the concord site and in the middle of the week I be in the city. The reason I ask this is because i wanted to be exposed to the different type of clients and different environments and to shadow with all the Desktop EFO team. So I after that I called my advisor to see what I was missing. So we made a meeting at Year Up so I can Catch up on the work. So after that I did some of my Microsoft XP training and installing and I'm starting to get it. Then on break I went to jamba juice and had time on my hands so I went to go see hira and sophea work site and met their manager and we went to china town to a restaurant called R&G and its was cool because sophea was speaking Chinese to the waiter so that was great and then I had my daily team meeting with my boss Rammy and fellow team members. Then after that I went to the meeting I set up with my advisor at Year up and I was almost mad to find out that there was things missing that I know I turned in. But its ok I find it.
Day 3 On Wednesday its always kind of exciting to go back to year up so you can hear about everybody experiences. So when i got in the offices I got straight to doing some research on the black berry support and read some blogs on the black berry support. Then I went over my slide show for Deb class and made sure that it was all right to show to Deb. So at lunch I went to Year Up and we ate lunch and I got a update that some east bay people that I referred is in admission phrase and even my manager nephews is in the admission phrase. So that was great and then it was Phil advisoree group turn to be in charge of the interactive and the warm up question. So that was interesting and then I spoke to the interested students for Year Up and it was ok. It was a bigger crowd from last week and I'm happy that it was big because Year up needs 40 students and only pick 7 students. So I was excited because we got paided and we didn't get 500 dollars so i was kind of mad and if this happen next paid period I'm going to be highly upset.Then i saw that my friend from high school was at the open house and I was happy to think that the east bay will have more of a present at year up.
Day 4 When I got to my office I check my email and saw that I had a imaging ID and that for the day I be a primary coordinator. So Charles was out until the afternoon so I call Paul and he met me at 420 Montgomery and walked me to 201 3rd street where Tizoc located and mosted of the network guys but anyways I got to 201 3rd street and met Bob agpoon and he one of the primary coordinator and he the gut that give out assignments to the three team such as desktop,network and server and Mike Johnson the manager of the server team wasnt lucky enough to get a year up intern said my boss Rammy. So at first he was going to let me loose and assign assignments to team members but my wanda account wasn't up and running so I was so mad because it looked fun to give people work and the power felt so good but one thing stop me and it was my ID wasn't made yet. Dang! So me and him did one SR(Service Request) and it was confusing and we had to send that SR to the server team and then we did a SR that took us the rest of the day to finish it and the reason why it took the rest of the day to finish it is because a site had a third party vendor build a server and hook it up to our Wells Fargo network and that a security breach so we had to elevate it to the managers and somebody was in deep mess and then I had my one on one with my manager Rammy and talk about how we can outreach for Year Up at Antioch High because we both are alumni. So I had to mention this part all day our team kept commenting on bob on how old he was the said that he was at wells when the stage coaches were still around and that he was hired with the founding fathers of Wells Fargo and then what top it off my co worker Caleb said the bob was a Relic of Wells Fargo LOL that was too funny so I had fun at 201 3rd street.
Day 5 I was happy to wake up and know that I was going to the concord site and its just 15 minutes from my house not a hour and when I got to the site I found a parking spot and got in the building and had breakfast and then I got to work right away and did some reconnect and some year up work and then went to lunch with Rammy and another EFO co worker name Eric and we ate at a Chinese buffet and found out that Rammy does Jeep off roading and today I rode for the first time in a real Jeep.Then met some department and their employee's and even saw a familiar face from San Francisco office.Then I couldn't wait until the weekend so I can sleep.
posted by YungPreacher08 @ 4:10 PM  |
Another excellent post. It's great to see your Life and how your work experience is going. I like how you redesigned your web page. Good job.
I hope you are feeling better.
Please keep a check on your spelling..."paided?"
I look forward to hearing more from you.
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Another excellent post. It's great to see your Life and how your work experience is going. I like how you redesigned your web page. Good job.
I hope you are feeling better.
Please keep a check on your spelling..."paided?"
I look forward to hearing more from you.